Parker Franklin sends you pats and purrs for becoming his sponsor!
Cat Sponsors
Jeanette Maturo
Crystal Scalesci
Houdini and Terry are jumping with joy!! Your generous sponsorship has made their day!!
Helen Moore
From Phantom. " Thank you for being my sponsor. Happy Birthday!!!"
Lisa Flanagan
Terry is purrfectly delighted that you are her sponsor. Thanks you
Sarah Hertel
Felicia is purring with joy over your decision to sponsor. Thank you!
Chloe Rousseau
Franklin Parker just loves being your pick to sponsor. Purrrfect!
Jenn Pinder
Wow!! Parker Franklin adn Holmes are overwhelmed by your generousity. Purr, Purr, Purr
Daniel Todd
Purrs galore for Terry. Thanks for sponsoring.
Niki Fountain
Terry and Sake give you head butts galore for sponsoring them!!
Dawn Shafer
Dutch and Buddy Boy think you are a super special sponsor. Your donation made their day.
Santosh Veda
Meow Wows!! Dutch and Terry are so thrilled you decided to sponsor them.
Amie Wilson
Houdini is thrilled to have you accept his aura of mystery and become his sponsor. Thank you!!
Nancy Hobbs
Parker Franklin and Dutch are honored that you choose to sponsor them in honor of Dawn Francis. Thank you!!
Hannah Yu
Happy, happy Holmes! Edward has sponsored him in your name!! Thank you.
Allie Scoville
Phantom thanks you for the good wishes.
Elizabeth Cresielczyk
You brightened Carolina's day by sponsoring her. So thankful!!
Peggy Perrone
Terry is so delighted that you chose to honor your sweetheart cat "Whiskers" by sponsoring him!!
Kerrin Mosher
Hooray!! The Albany "C" Crew is delighted with their new sponsor Kerrin.
Keene Hallenbeck
Felicia sends you kitty kisses in thanks for sponsoring her. Purr, Purr
Laura Powell
Little white and orange kitty from the Albany C Crew sends you warm winter wishes and thanks for sponsoring him.
Crystal Scalesci
Buddy Boy and Phantom are filled with Christmas cheer over your generous sponsorship. Thank you! Thank You!!
Morgan Engling
Felicia gives a warm and fluffy welcome to her new sponsor Morgan Engling. Purr, Purr!
Linda Wicks
Parker Franklin, Phantom and Felicia are rolling in the catnip with happiness. They love having you as a sponsor!!
Natalya Belova
Purrs of love and gratitude from Artemus and Clara. Your help is appreciated.
Penney Wilson
Albany "C" Crew so appreciates your help. Wishing you purrs and paw pats!
Kathryn Lee
Albany "C" Crew thanks you for your generousity and caring. Sending purrs of joy!!
Nancy King
Albany "C" Crew is jumping for joy over your sponsorship!! Thank you so much.
Wendy Nooney
Dutch sends love and purr pats. He is so glad to have you as a sponsor.
Jen Pasquali
Artemis is jumping for joy that a kind person decided to sponsor him!!
Parker Franklin
Lover boy Parker wants to give you a big hug!! He is so happy to have you for a sponsor. Thanks.
David Sprague
Buddy Boy thanks you and sends wishes for a purrfect holiday season.
Maureen Salkin
Buddy Boy is delighted!! Meowy Holidays and thanks for sponsoring our handsome boy.
Lisa Lumpkin
Clara is overjoyed that you chose to be her sponsor. Many, many purrs of gratitude.
Andrea Morrison
Ellie is delighted that your chose to sponsor her!! Purrs and paw pats are coming your way.
Wendy Nooney
Star and Snowflake send you sparkles and twinkles. Your generous offer to sponsor them has lit
up their world!! Thank you!!
Elizabeth Reuter
Buddy Boy is on Cloud 9 that you decided to sponsor him. Sending you lots of head bumps for your generousity.