Shirley A. Mosher Greeley

Shirley A. Mosher Greeley
Submitted - December 29, 2024
Shirley A. Mosher Greeley
Submitted - December 29, 2024
Arlo, king of the castle for 17 wonderful years.
With love to Amy and Jenna - December 19, 2024
Adopted by my daughter's from Animalovers. A part of The Patch Four litter. He had a long, privileged, and spoiled life as the senior member of his multi-cat home.
Love to Liz and Barb - November 6, 2024
In memory of Diane’s father, Robert Kriser, who recently passed away.
Submitted - July 19, 2024
Much love goes out to the two best companions we could've ever asked for. We miss our girls everyday, but know they are watching over us.
A&W - June 26, 2024
With love from all.
Submitted - April 30, 2024
In memory of James Tiberius Kirk
Your friends at the Contracts Unit - April 22, 2024
We adopted Frodo 13 years ago from Whiskers. Frodo was smart, loving and affectionate. He helped us raise two other foster kittens, Leopold and Bonsai. He got along well with cats and dogs. We will miss his love and companionship. Bonsai and Daphne, our other cats will miss snuggling on the bed with Frodo.
Love, Samantha, Faith, Amanda, Bill, Bonsai and Daphne - March 18, 2024
Claudia was a sickly little kitten found and trapped in the woods of the Sunnyside Colony of Albany. After much hands on medical care she blossomed into a beautiful young kitty with interesting markings as a female orange and white tabby. She chose me, her foster, as her person. This choice became a fierce protectiveness and she would often swat away any other cats when she was having snuggle time on my lap or chest. She was a great companion and it was with great sadness that she fell ill with what the vet said was an underlying auto immune issue - severe hemolytic anemia. She was only one and half years old. Her foster siblings Dez and Drew still look and call for her to play. She is greatly missed--
Love and pets, Sue - December 21, 2023
Lily was adopted from Whiskers in the summer of 2022. She was so very loved by her mom and dad, Emily and Justin and her brothers Oscar and Nolan. She was the sweetest and most gentle cat. She will forever be remembered by all of those who were blessed with the opportunity to know her! You will be loved forever Lily!
Submitted - December 2, 2023
Calypso was the sweetest kitty.
Love always... - June 21, 2023
We adopted our gorgeous baby in June 2011. On October 21, 2022 she left us unexpectedly. We have been heartbroken she was fine. The shock of losing her has been devastating. Everything about her was perfect and that is not an exaggeration. L.C. shared her love unconditionally. She was a great sister to her fur doggy sister Zazi. We will adopt again in tribute to her and continue the circle of love. With a love this deep you need to place that love in another not to replace but, to honor. To our beloved L.C. our love for you continues in our hearts and memories. I feel guilty I do not know why you left us. You appeared fine. You fell asleep in our bed and on my pillow. I was preparing your dinner and found you there I thought you were sleeping. My heart was ripped out why I knew the truth you were gone. It appears your final moments you were at peace in one of your favorite places. I rest my head at night on that pillow my beautiful furangel. It was my privilege to be your momma and the time was much too short baby girl.
Love, Momma and Daddy Your human brother JJ and fur doggy sissy Zazi-Lyn - October 29, 2022
As sisters you were great comfort to me especially after Steve died. You are missed.
Your human mom - October 8, 2022
This is in memory of our dear neighbor's cat, Bodie. Bodie was a friendly guy and a protector of his home. He loved his forever family and always wanted to be near them. I know he kept a watchful eye on his surroundings, and I heard great stories about his guard cat abilities. He will be missed.
Submitted - July 15, 2022
Zoobie was a former street-cat who shared her love and affection with her forever family for more than 13 years. Everyone who met her commented on what a great cat she was. She crossed the rainbow bridge on June 6, 2022, but we will hold her in our hearts forever.
Submitted - June 6, 2022
In memory of my sweet boys.
Submitted - June 3, 2022
Leland was a special baby boy rescued by Whiskers in 2012. I still remember the day I picked him up from where he was set to be euthanized, he was so tiny, walking with a head tilt in circles around my feet. Eventually it was determined he was deaf with mild Cerebellar Hypoplasia, but that did not hold him down. He won the hearts of everyone he met. Luckily, that included one of my best friends who fell in love and took him home on a road trip to Buffalo. I have not met another cat like him. He loved to cuddle, play, drink from water glasses, complain about things, sniff flowers, and wrestle his cat siblings. Thanks to Whiskers and his adoptive family, he had a spoiled life filled with love and adoration.
Love, Jessie - April 22, 2022
In memory of two sweet brothers who brought so much joy and love to my life. You will remain in my heart forever. Adopted from Whiskers in 2009. Thank you Whiskers.
Submitted - January 5, 2022
Soul mates who will be remembered forever, both adopted as adults from Whiskers
Submitted - December 28, 2021
In memory of the two sweetest brothers who brought such joy and love to our home.
Submitted - November 30, 2021
Ms. Barbara Coon is one of the greatest women I have known. She was the mother of one of my closest friends, and raised a beautiful daughter and was a loving grandmother to Maddie. On many occasions, Barb, Jen, and I would talk about our love for cats. Barb would often share of her experiences at Whiskers Animal Benevolent League. She shared her strong passion for serving her community, and for loving animals - especially for cats. Barbara Coon will be greatly missed. She left an incredible impression on everyone she met. Strong, beautiful, caring, smart, sophisticated, and warm. May she help many cats cross the rainbow bridge with their owners. We will miss you here.
Love, Amy - August 20, 2021
Sushi, I miss you every single day, you were so much to me, but most importantly of all you were my best friend. I loved you so much and you loved me the same, I know you did, I could feel it. I feel so lost and alone at times without you, I still expect to see you come from around the corner or see you in the corner of my eye chasing some animal outside. I still see you rolling on the ground outside the house and feel you sit on my chest as I sleep. I still hear your quiet little meows and hear Fi meow in annoyance when you got too close. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget you Sushi, but I don't want to, I want you right here next to me as I write this, I want to see you in the window waiting for me as I come home from work, I want to see you greet me as I walk in the door, I want you to be on the bed as I go to sleep, I want to you to be there on the bed as I wake up. The 5 years I had with you are 5 years in which I truly felt what it was to have a bonded companion, I've always wanted an animal companion/friend, but I never thought I would have the type I had with you and frankly I don't think I'll ever get to experience that type of love ever again in my life. Regardless of how unforeseen and quickly you were taken from me, regardless of the pain that was associated with your death, regardless of all the future experiences I thought we were going to be able to experience together. You gave me some of the most fulling experiences/feelings of my life, I know what true love feels like because you gave me full and true love, I only hope you felt the same from me. Every now and then you need to look back and reflect on all the good things that have happened in your life. You Sushi, you were one of those most impactful and joy full things that have ever happened to me. The only thing I regret about our relationship is how quickly it ended. I love you with all of my heart and soul Sushi, I only hope one day you and I can be in each others presence again.
Your Best Friend - Mike - June 14, 2021
These three were my first fosters with Whiskers some 18 years ago. They were inseparable! Zander and Willow would suck on Angel’s toes; as they looked to him as their protector and source of comfort. They were also my first “ foster failure” as was unable to adopt them out, even to a best friend! They lived a long happy life Zander over 15 years and Willow almost 16 and Angel 17. They welcomed all new foster kittens into the household and are dearly missed!
Love Sue H and niece Rhiana - April 15, 2021
Boyfriend was one of the many cats whose “forever home” was Whiskers. It was where he learned, experienced, and basked in love. I wanted to donate in honor of him, every cat that shares parts of his story, Sarah B., and every volunteer that gives the angels like Boyfriend the unconditional love and patience they deserve ❤️.
Submitted - February 25, 2021
I lost my Nym in November of 2020 to lymphoma. It happened so quickly and I miss her every single day. She was my best friend and it broke my heart to see her so sick. A few weeks later, I adopted my new boy Hank through Whiskers. He helped me get through the grief. To thank Whiskers for giving me a new baby to love, I started raising money for the foundation by selling crocheted cat hats. This donation is in memory of my sweet baby girl. She’d want other cats to be as happy as she was in her life. I love you always, Nymmy!
Love, mom - February 5, 2021
You brought so much joy to our lives in your short 3 1/2 years. We will always remember how you begged for our food, loved to sit in bags and baskets and danced when you got treats. We love you and will miss you so much little furry one. Until we meet again in heaven.....
Love, Mom and Dad - January 28, 2021
Zeke was my big 17 pound ball of hairy love. You could not love that cat enough! Miss his yowl and his cold, wet nose. You sister Phoebe and I still miss you buddy!!
Submitted - December 1, 2020
Our first fur baby, Ivy Rose (Bigggles, Wiggles) was adopted from Whiskers in 2015. She was our first pet and adopted into our family two weeks after moving to the area. She was so sassy, loved to eat (I mean loved!!) and would wake us up in the middle of the night - just for snuggles and attention. Whenever we were sick or sad, she always knew and came over to sit on our lap and comfort us. She’d greet us at the door every time we came home - it was the most wonderful feeling. She was so vocal - our house has been so quiet since she passed on. So many good and wonderful memories. It seemed fitting to post a memorial on today, National Black Cat Day in your honor my kitty baby. Mommy, Daddy, and sissy miss you so very much every day.
Love, always, mommy, daddy, and Lu. - October 27, 2020
Halo was a rescue that we found at our vet's office. 2 of them had been left in a foreclosure house. Halo bonded with me at the start and slept under my chin almost every day of his life. His last night on earth, although very weak, he manged to get himself on the bed to sleep with "Mom" one last time. He went peacefully in his sleep with me at home.. He is at Rainbow bridge with all the fur angels. 8/28/2020
Love Mom - September 8, 2020
You had me at first glance my sweet baby boy. You were my first kitty and became the love of my life. I thought we had more time. I’m so sorry. You made life worth living . You took my heart with you. I miss your day and night. All my love always.
Your Devoted and Loving Foster Mom - July 9, 2020
Rocky was 18 years old when he passed. He was a fighter born with a hole in his heart. We miss you Rocky every day!
Love Mom and Dad - June 8, 2020
Tippy was a sweet kitten born with 12 heart defects. His heart was only able to serve him for 10 months. His life was too short, but he had a good time while it lasted.
We'll always remember you - February 16, 2020
Roulette was a feral kitten who huddled in a dryer vent of a laundromat for warmth. The people that found her thought she was too mean to ever be adoptable. She was so beautiful that people wanted to adopt her even though she wasn't too friendly. Eventually she was adopted, but she was returned a couple of months later on Thanksgiving night because she was "anti-social". Roulette lived the rest of her life with her foster mom and dad who adopted her. She turned into a sweet loving kitty.
We miss you, Roulette - June 21, 2019
This post is in memory of "Angela", Joan and Frank's lovely, sweet, shy cat who graced their lives for 17 years.
Mary and Evelyn - December 19, 2018
We saw Marvin's photo through petfinder, instantly fell in love, and brought him home from the shelter in 2011. At first we were a little bit nervous about tending to a deaf cat's needs, but Marvin proved wrong all of our assumptions. He was the most sociable cat we ever met, even greeting people at the door and actively supervising visitors who performed home repairs. Marvin passed away from cancer today, and we wanted to honor his memory. Our hearts are broken for the lovable cat who brought us and anyone who crossed our threshold so much joy these past 7 years.
With Love, Tanya and Brian - February 14, 2018
Our beautiful Stassi girl went to be with her big brother Rupert shortly before Thanksgiving this year. At the young age of 7, Stassi was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Despite a poor prognosis, Stassi was a strong girl and put up a fight to spend as much time with her loving family as she could. Stassi was one of a kind. We will always miss our conversations(she was a very vocal girl!), snuggle time and all of her quirks. She was perfectly, imperfect. Stassi was always our angel while on this earth and continues to be. Stassi leaves behind her younger sister, Buffy and brother, Will. We cannot thank Whiskers enough for giving our girl a chance. She brought so much joy to our lives. We all miss her very much and always will. Rest in peace Stassi, we love you so much.
Love Mommy, Daddy and Family. - December 23, 2017
I adopted Joletta from whiskers about two years ago. She was such a sweetheart but was having a tough time finding a home due to her older age, and the fact she was a little “feisty” (as her adoption form stated). Once she was in her forever home, the feisty cat turned into my constant cuddly companion who was never more than an arm’s length away from me. I am grateful to Whiskers for our perfect match up. Our time together was short but it was wonderful and I would not have changed a thing. Miss you dearly, Jo.
Love Leah - March 5, 2017
Silkie, the Queen of the Dillon household, took her last breath with us on March 18th, 2016 at 5:41 pm. We were blessed to have her for 17 years, and we will all miss her very much. We got her from Whiskers at 3 years old after her first family couldn't keep her, and ever since then she stole our hearts. She loved to hang in the kitchen with mom when shed cook dinner, lay in the sunlight, and steal some treats whenever she could. She was famous for her incredibly loud meow, getting locked in the pantry because shed fall asleep in there, and laying ONLY on your left leg if she were to lay on your lap. 20 years total, and 17 years wasn't enough for us. your took a piece of our hearts with you, kitty. We love you little girl
- April 25, 2016
October 17, 2015 our precious girl, ET, crossed over the rainbow bridge. She come to us from a friend who got her through Whiskers. Her Whiskers name was Chloe and we were told when she was found she had a kitten. The kitten was healthy, but she was not. Whiskers took care of her and her kitten. She shared life with us for 13 years. From her obnoxious meows to her heart warming purrs, we loved her! She was our constant companion no matter what room of the house we were in. When we had company, she always lovingly greeted them. Forever in our hearts.
Love, Mom, Dad, Nala, and Dexter - November 13, 2015
Harley, a stunningly handsome green-eyed tiger, was only 7 years young when he passed away unexpectedly on Father's Day. When he was a small kitten, he was found foraging for food behind a Hannaford and taken in by Whiskers. He was such an adorable boy, it didn't take long for him to find his new dad who hoped he would be a good companion for his older cat, Calvin. It took Calvin quite a while to forgive this transgression, but Harley grew on him over time and was his buddy of sorts until Calvin passed away. For the next two years it was just Harley and his dad. They should have had many more years together. We are so sorry he's gone.
Love from Friends of Harley - June 21, 2015
Desiree was a whiskers cat, adopted in 2000. I was a shelter volunteer, and spent a lot of time there. Desiree was sick with a respiratory infection, that nobody could get to the bottom of. She wasn't adoptable at that time. There was security in knowing she would always be there when I showed up. Then one day I volunteered at an adoption clinic. Low and behold, there she was. Though I was not looking to adopt a second cat, there was no way I could say goodbye to her and watch someone else walk away with her. No chance. And so it was decided. 15 years later, today was a tearful goodbye. Desiree was almost 20. She is the sweetest soul ever, and was loved even by non-cat lovers. We will miss her so much.
Submitted - February 18, 2015
Baines was born a barn cat but lived the life of Riley in the loving arms of his family. Jessica, Steve, Jack and Will miss him dearly.
Love from Amy - February 6, 2015
Jackson was Nick's cat. He was adopted as a kitten and for 17 years lived his full circle of life with Nick. As Jackson became a senior cat with multiple needs, their relationship was wonderful to watch. Jackson would give looks of gratitude and understanding you don't usually see in a cat. There was a real give and take of caregiving and understanding. How fortunate for a cat to have a loving owner, and more fortunate for an owner to have a loving cat.
Love, Mom and Dad - December 25, 2014
In May of this year Dan and I lost one of our special “kids”, Gracie. Gracie came to us from the local humane society in July of 2009. She was found on the streets with very badly infected eyes and it was necessary for the shelter to surgically remove them before placing her up for adoption. Upon adoption we were told she was probably 2 years old although since then we have been told by vets she was most likely much older. The shelter had named her Wonder but upon meeting her for the first time Dan said her name should be Grace, because she was amazing. Gracie was a special girl and fearless although she couldn’t see. She could do anything the other cats in the household could do and navigated around with ease. People who came to our house found it almost impossible to believe that she couldn’t see; she would look right at them and was quite accurate as she nipped them (and us also). :-) Although the shelter had assessed her personality as warm and affectionate she never quite lived up to that. Everything was done under her own terms but she adored Dan and showed him the most affection. Gracie was very independent but her favorite place to sit was between us on the couch. She loved to sleep on the bed and play with toys that made noise. She could navigate the stairs to the cellar with unbelievable ease. We even had to construct a barrier along the stairs because she would just stop midway down and jump over the edge. A few years ago she developed trouble with walking and after numerous visits to vets and specialists it was thought that she had a spinal tumor. It was never really determined because the specialist said that Gracie was a poor candidate for surgery even if it was operable and he wasn’t willing to work with her. Let’s just say that she wasn’t cooperative with anyone who examined her (including us). For a few years Gracie did well with steroid shots but eventually the disease won out. Losing her was one of the hardest days of my life; we loved her very much and had made sure that her life was as easy as we could make it even after she lost the use of her legs. We still think of her every day and that space on the couch reminds us every day of the great life that was lost. We are grateful for the time we had with her; she taught us so much about determination and overcoming insurmountable odds. We miss and love you so Gracie!
Love, Mom and Dad - August 26, 2014
Over 8 years ago some dear friends of mine came to the shelter looking for two cats to complete their family. After meeting all the cats at our wonderful shelter it seemed that two had selected them. Grayson, a mischievous boy and shy, sweet Honey had decided that they would love to accompany them home. Well, that day changed all their lives and they have lived as a very happy family since that day. Unfortunately, for some time Olivia (formerly known as Honey at Whiskers shelter) has been experiencing some health problems and today she passed to the rainbow bridge. I know that Gary and Barb’s hearts are broken and I’m sure Grayson misses his sister. Although we are all saddened by her passing, I take comfort in knowing that she lived a happy life and was very much loved. My sincere condolences to Olivia’s family and, as a member of Whiskers, I want you to know that we all share in your sadness. Those of us that knew her at the shelter have fond memories of her and were elated when she found a loving home with you. She was one of the gentlest and loving cats I've every met and I'm happy I got to be a part of her life for so long through all the pictures and stories you shared with me.
With deepest sympathy, Mary Lou and Dan - August 26, 2014
Our beloved Brass, whom we adopted with his brother from Whiskers shortly after moving into our house in December, 1997, today joins Copper and Frosty on the Rainbow Bridge. Brass was our sweet "lap" kitty, always wanting to be on a lap when we sat down. For 17 years, he was our faithful friend and companion, and we will miss him terribly. We know he is now romping happily with his kitty friends, something his heart failure will no longer prevent. Rest in peace, beautiful boy.
from your loving family, Wendy, Dan and Nora - August 22, 2014
The world is a sadder place with the loss of the Go Fores Golf League's friend and founding member, Donna Pawlowski. You will be remember in our hearts and on the greens. Rest in Peace.
The Go Fores - November 11, 2013
Lily was only 7 weeks old when she came to live with me. I adopted her from the local animal shelter. She lived to be 16 years old. She was loving yet could be independent. She always wanted to sit by me, but not always on my lap. If she wanted to she did, but it had to be her idea. She was always so healthy but she went in for a routine exam and by accident I found out she had breast cancer. From the time I found out until I had to take her back was about two precious months. Lily was so trusting of everything I had to do for her. She sat by me whenever I was there and she insisted on holding hands with me or even my grandchildren when she sat by them. It was so touching. She got so thin it was hard for her to jump up on anything anymore so I had pillows everywhere for her to climb up on her favorite spaces. The last night I slept with her on the spare bed and she was so happy to have me there all night with her. The next day I took her back to the vet carrying her in a blanket. She only weighed about 5 pounds at this point. We sat in the room waiting for the Dr. and she took her frail little paw and actually wrapped it right around my finger. She was peaceful in the room and then I said goodbye. I miss her every day and I believe she led me to Poppy, my cat I adopted from Whiskers a few months ago. I know Lily is with her sister Rosie now who I also loved for 13 years. One day I hope to see them again and I know Lily will be the first one to take my hand. Love you sweet girl....
Nancy Van Schaack - September 12, 2013
Checkers was my first "furbaby." I was 10 years old when my family adopted her. We grew up together. Checkers was such a sweet and loving kitty. She used to let me pull her around on a sled in the winter and push her around in my Fisher Price shopping cart in the summer. I know of no other cat that would put up with my constant mauling her with kisses and hugs. She was a wonderful kitty and will always be in my heart. I love you Checky!
-Julia - May 9, 2013
Ivan, you were the amazing cat of my sister -- you and your sister Nadia, who died a few years ago. You lived way beyond anyone's expectations, especially the past several years. But, the last time I saw you, you were still meowing, purring, eating and getting around. You are part of over 20 years of memories in our family. Right from the funny discovery that you were Nadia's sister, not her brother ... your moves from the east cost to the south west and back again. We even saw the addition of a dog and a child to your household during all this time. We will always miss you Ivan.
Love, Lori - April 3, 2013