Lost and Found Pets
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Animal: Cat
Date: 04/30/2022

She is 14 and has hair lost on her right ear she is old and a sweet girl with a high pitched meow. she is gray please help me bring her home. I don’t think she knows where she is. Please bring my baby home i believe she is in the ALBANY NY area.
City/Town: Watervliet
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Animal: Cat
Date: 06/16/1949
this kitten or cat has been in our yard - on south manning for the last several weeks
it is NOT a feral cat
either the cat is lost or was dumped
we have a large yard but are not able to keep
we have checked with nerby neighbors but so far cannot find owner
please claim if your cat
City/Town: Albany
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Animal: Cat
Date: 11/16/2020

Rose found her way back home! We left her litter box and some food on the back porch and set up a motion camera to alert us when there was motion. She just wandered back in and is telling us about her adventures very loudly! She appears to be fine. Thank you all for sharing this post and for your prayers for her safe return! Thank you Whiskers for this service.
City/Town: Troy
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Animal: Cat
Date: 10/19/2020

Very sweet gray tiger appeared at our house seeking entry. Not afraid of us. Affectionate. Someone posted about it yesterday on Nextdoor so it seems to be a stray or abandoned.
City/Town: Alnany
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Animal: Cat
Date: 09/25/2020

Sweet & cuddly boy found.
City/Town: Selkirk
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Animal: Cat
Date: 08/07/2020

Black domestic short hair, around 5 months old. Small white patch on his neck. Triangle shaped white patch on his stomach. He has a twin brother who is devastated without him. Please help.
City/Town: Albany
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Animal: Cat
Date: 04/04/2020

LOST 1 YEAR OLD SHORT HAIRED GRAY MALE CAT- Mountain View Avenue in COLONIE off Central Avenue between California Ave and Ahl Ave.. Please call 518-522-4783 or 518-596-8474 His name is Sombra.
City/Town: Colonie
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Animal: Cat
Date: 07/01/2019

Hes a large chunky boy he answers to napoleon. He was our family. My sons are devastated while we were away on vacation I had someone taking care of him either he was let out or someone made me aware animal control may have taken him. We have been looking every for him for almost a year now even offered a reward and we have gotten no where but I will not give up til my boys home! He is fixed he was when we got him he may have been picked up with another cat she’s all black also fixed
City/Town: Troy
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Animal: Cat
Date: 01/27/2020

Kramer is a large (16 pds) orange and white cat. He has 4 white paws. He is afraid of most people. Kramer most likely is hiding in a shed, under deck or in a wooded area. Please help me bring him home and look around your property. Thank you.
City/Town: Selkirk
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Animal: Cat
Date: 08/18/2016

Found on August 18, 2019, outside my house on South Allen Street and Madison Ave.
City/Town: ALBANY
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Animal: Cat
Date: 08/05/2016

Lost 8/5/19. Very gentle, old, now skinny cat (16+). White with patches of grey and Calico. Mostly white underside. Her eyes run a lot. Frail with weaker hindquarters. She won’t run or bite. Will purr as soon as she is picked up. Please check in your back yards under bushes and other things where she may be resting. Thank you.
City/Town: Albany
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