
When Leonardi arrived at Whiskers, he was in terrible condition. His ear was mangled from a mite infestation, he had infected wounds, a painfully swollen paw, dental disease, and matted fur all over his body.

Despite his hardships, Leonardi loves people and is a true fighter, and he is making remarkable progress every day under our care. He may not be a big fan of his e-collar, but he loves nothing more than a good scratch on his thick jowls.

At Whiskers, we believe that every cat deserves a chance at a healthy and happy life, regardless of their age or health condition. As a senior kitty and FIV positive, Leonardi is doubly lucky to have found his way to us, where he will receive the expert care and loving attention he deserves.
But providing life-saving care to cats like Leonardi is no easy feat. Diagnostics, medical procedures, and treatments for sick and injured cats can be incredibly costly, and we rely on the support of compassionate donors like you to help us provide the best possible care to every cat in our care.
So please, won't you consider making a donation today to help us continue our mission of giving cats like Leonardi the chance they deserve to heal and thrive? Your support truly makes a world of difference, and we are grateful for any contribution you can make. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.