
Approx DOB: 
Personality & Preferences
PetFinder Blurb: 
Meet beautiful Atticus! Recently rescued in Albany by a Whiskers volunteer; she quickly learned what a sweet boy she saved. After being fixed, we also learned that he is FIV+. Cats with FIV can live a long, healthy life just as any other kitty that is negative. Cats who are negative and positive can co-exist without transmitting the disease as long as there is no fighting. The only way it is transmitted is through deep bite wounds. Cats cannot transmit FIV to humans. Atticus doesn’t ask for much. He will invite himself up on any lap. He simply wants to be loved! He’s very outgoing and vocal (his way of saying time to pet me). For the short time we’ve had him, he’s a big teddy bear and making up for lost time while on the streets.